Friday, February 19, 2016

Corn Dog with Schezwan Sauce

Ingredients: Chicken Sausage 6 pcs
All purpose 1 cup
Corn Meal Flour 1 cup
Milk 1 cup
Egg 1 no.
Black pepper pwd 1 tsp
Red chilli pwd 1 tsp
Salt as per taste
Skewer stick 6 nos.

Method: 1) Heat the sausages with little oil and salt on fry pan and keep a side.
2) Now take all purpose flour, corn meal flour, milk, egg, salt, black pepper & red chilli and mix well to make a thick batter & pour in a tall glass & keep side.
3) Now take stewer stick and insert in sausage from one end center carefully till the other end but stick should not come out of sausage. Do the same with remaining sausages.
4) Now heat the oil on a medium flame till it is hot and then dip the sausage in the batter which we had kept in a glass & dip fry the same till its in Golden color & remove from oil and servw with a schezwan sauce. Enjoy ....


Ingredients for the dough:
Besan 4 cup
Wheat flour 2 cup
Red chilly powder 1 tbs
Vegetable oil 6 tbsp
hing 1tsp
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp


Take a bowl take besan and atta put hing red chilli salt haldi and oil mix well and it will be like breadcrumbs and out of this take out 4tbs and keep aside then knead the dough with cold water abd make a smooth dough

Ingredients for stuffing:
Jeera 2 tsp
saunf (fennel seeds) 2 tsp
hing 1/4 tsp
Red chilly powder 1tbs
White Til (sesame seed) 3 tbsp.
khas-khas 3 tbsp.
Coriander seeds 2 tbspoon
Desicated coconut 4 tbsp.
Dry mango powder 1/2 teaspoon
Black pepper corns 1/2 teaspoon

Take all the ingredients in dry mixer and add the besan masala and grind together and keep aside it should be dry.

Now take a medium size ball from the dough and make a big roti size not to thick not to thin then apply water at the 4 sides and put the mixture spread all over and roll and cut and deep fry on slow flame and allow to cool it and then store in a air tight container and have the same any time specially with hot tea. Enjoy ....

Pizza Paratha

Ingredients :

For Dough:
2 cups whole wheat atta

Take atta in a bowl and add little salt and mix well and add water slowly to kneed the dough. Please make sure dough should be neither soft nor hard. After dough is ready cover with wet muslin cloth for 10 minutes till you arrange fillings and gravy.

For Filling: 1/2 cup finely chopped capcicum mix color
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup corn
1/2 cup mushroom
1 cup shredded mozrella cheese
1tsp chilli flakes
1tsp italian herbs

Take in a bowl all the ingredients & mix well and keep aside.

For pizza gravy: 2 onion
5 tomato
1 tbsn oil
1 tbsn red chilli pd

Method: Take a pan put oil cut onion & tomatoes big pieces along with salt & red chilli powder and let it cook on slow till its soft then grind it not completely it should be corse paste and keep aside.

Making Pizza Paratha Method:
Take small ball of dough make small roti not to thin it should be thicker than normal chapatti. Apply pizza gravy and on the half of roti and put the filling not near the edges. Now fold half roti to cover the stuffing so that it is in half moon shape and press the edges with fork so that it should not open and cook on slow gas on tawa by applying oil / butter till it crispy and serve hot with shezwan chutney ...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Special Cherries Pie

Recipe of Puff Pastries:
Ingredients :
1) 2 cups maida
2) 1 tsp baking powder
3) salt pinch
4) 2 tbsp oil or margarine
5) 1 cup shortening or margarine (for smearing)
6) 2 tbsp cornflour

Method: bind using all except margarine of smearing using cold water....
make 8-9 balls of the dough & roll into square shapes, apply margarine on one & lay another square shape & keep on doing till last one bur dont apply on top of it.
Fold like envelope & freeze it....
remove from freezer & do same for the 2nd time if u want more flakier....
defrost a little roll into thick roti apply margarine & wrap as envelope....
freeze it.....
This time can use or repeat one more time.....
NB: the more flakier you want the more rolling & applying paste & freezing it & repeating the process.

After this process for making of Cherries Pie:
For the filling 12 cherries
5 tbs water
2 tbs sugar
Heat the pan put water in the pan 4 tbs water then sugar and as it boil put cherries and do it on slow gas till cherries are crushed don't make paste it should be just crushed then as it is cooking for 5 minutes & keep aside.
For making of Sandwich Pie: Now take the dough from freezer roll it big like roti but not so thin then cut big heart shape and then take baking tray put the heart shape on it and prick it with fork that it should not puff too much and apply with little butter and sprinkle fine sugar over it then bake at 200 deg C for 10 to 13 mins after its baked take it out and let it cool then take one heart and put the cherries and cover with second heart & decor the same with whipping cream.
The second one
Take one heart and keep on baking tray then take another heart cut in center with small heart grease the edges with butter or you can use egg mixed with little milk and then put the cheeries in centre and cover with the hallow shaped heart and grease with butter and bake at 200 deg C for 10 to 13 minutes and remove from oven let it cool and enjoy ....

Fried Butter Scotch Ice Cream

Ingredients :
Any flavor Ice cream 1 scoop
Bread Slice 2
Oil for frying

Method:Take a nice big scoop of ice cream and keep on plate with a butter paper on plate and keep it back in freezer for 1 to 2 hours. Now take 2 slices of bread and cut the edges and with help of roll pin flat the both slices individually. Afterwards take little water in hand and wet first slice and keep ice cream sccop in center of slice and cover the scoop with wet slice. Now take another slice little wet and keep on top of the scoop and wrap the same so that no ice cream coul be seen. Now again keep the same in freezer for minimum 2 hrs so that bread is firmly stick on ice cream. Now take oil in karhai and let boil on a high temperature. When oil is boiling hot then oil remove ice scoop covered with bread from freezer and fry the same immediately till golden brown color and remove on tissue to absorb oil and serve the same with chocolate sauce & nuts enjoy ....

Monday, February 8, 2016

Achaari Egg Curry

Ingredients :
Boiled Egg 9 nos
Dried Red Chilli 5 nos
Fennel Seeds 3/4 tsp
Coriander Seeds 3/4 tsp
Mustard Seeds 1 tsp
Fenugreek Seeds 3/4 tsp
Cloves 5 nos
Bay Leaf 2 nos
Cooking Oil 3 tbsp
Onion Finely Chopped 2 nos
Ginger - Garlic Paste 2 tbsp
Tomato Finely Chopped 3 nos
Green Chillies Chopped 6 - 8 nos
Any Pickle Masala 1 tsp
Yogurt 1/2 cup
Turmeric Pwd 1/2 tsp
Red Chilli Pwd 1/2 tsp

1) Add the whole spices dried red chilli, fennel, coriander, fenugreek, cloves, bay leaf & 1/2 tsp mustard seeds to grinder and geind to a coarse powder.
2) Peel the boiled eggs and make a cross cut but be careful not to cut egg all the way. Make cross slits on all the eggs.
3) Very carefully take one egg and fill in the masala powder inside and then roll over the egg in the powdered masala. Keep aside. Repeat for all eggs.
4) Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan on medium flame and add the prepared eggs one by one. Fry them on all the sides for abt 5 minutes, being careful the powdered masala does not come out of the eggs. Remove all eggs and keep aside.
5) Now heat the remaining oil and add remaining mustard seeds. Add chopped onions and fry till little brown in color.
6) Add ginger-garlic paste and fry until the raw smell goes away. Add chopped tomatoes, green chilli and salt and let it cook till tomatoes are soft and smashed.
7) Now add the pickle masala and balance dry spices powder for achaari flavour. Add red chilli and turmeric powder and mix everything well and let it cook for 5 minutes.
8) Add yoghurt and mix well. After a minute or 2 add 2 cups of water and cover and let masala cook for 20 minutes on slow gas.
9) Remove cover add prepared egg and mix well slowly and cover and let it cook for 5 minutes. Now Achaari Egg Curry is ready to be served with hot naans / lacha paratha ....

Cheesy Chicken wrapped in Chocolate Style

500gm chicken mince
10 garlic pods
8 green chilles
1 inch long adrak
1tsp chilli flakes
1tsp dried basil
1tsp drien tarragon
1 cup shredded mozzarella

Take mince chicken or boneless chicken breast piece. I took breast peices then grinded in the mixture along with all the ingredients mix well and then just stuff mozzarella cheese in between and then wrap it like chocolates in aluminium foil and deep fry on medium flame for 8 to 10 minutes and serve hot with chilli sauce ...