Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Flower Shaped Baked Bread

Bread slices 6 pcs
Grated paneer 200gms
Grated mozzarella cheese 250gm
Chat masala - as per taste
Salt - as per taste
Chilli flakes - 2 tsp
Green chilli - 5 pcs
Correinder - 1/2 cup
First mix all ingredients except bread & 50 gms of mozzarella cheese keep aside. Now take each bread slice & roll it flat with help of roller pin. Then slit the bread from all four corner but make sure that each slit should not meet another slit. Later take small qty of mixture and keep in centre of bread and then take each side of cut bread and cover the mixer. So that it form the shape of flower and keep on cupcake tray and garnish with remaining mozzarella cheese. Do the same with remaining bread slices. When all ready please keep in oven at 220deg. Centigrade for 15 to 20 minutes till the cheese is melted and bread has become crispy and serve with sczhwen sauce.

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