Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Garlic Chicken Cup Pizza


2 cups maida
1 1/2 tsp yeast 
1tsp caster sugar 
2 tbs olive oil
1 cup water

Method :

(Note:- always use glass bowl to make pizza or puff dough in which yeast is used as yeast only works in glass )
Take in a bowl maida Add yeast salt sugar and mix then add olive oil and slowly keep adding water and make a stiff dough then cover with plastic wrap and keep for 30 mins then take out and beat with hand for atlest 10 mins then roll small puri size & put it in muffins tray u can give any shape and add fillings as u want. We put tomato puree, garlic chicken & mozzarella cheese garnished with oregano & chilli flakes.

Bake at 180 degree C for 10 minutes & then at 160 degree C for 5 minutes

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