Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cheesy Chicken

Grated cheddar cheese, 8 tbsp
Chicken mince, 1 cup
Fresh basil leaves 7-8
Salt to taste
Fresh chopped tarragon
Onion ,finely chopped 1 small
Bread crumbs 2-1/4 cup
Oil,for deep frying

1. Finely shred basil leaves and put in a bowl. Add chicken mince, salt,
tarragon, onion and 1¼ cups breadcrumbs and mix well.
2. Divide the mixture into 8 equal portions, stuff each portion with 1
tbsp grated cheese and shape them into a ball. Coat the balls in the
remaining breadcrumbs.
3. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Deep-fry balls till golden and crisp.
Drain on absorbent paper.
4. Serve hot with Spicy Chutney.

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